Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Let it SNOW! Let it SNOW!

Please find a list of optional activities for your child to work on while they are at home. These assignments are not mandatory.


#1 Study your spelling words for the week: against, away, apart, above, across, around, among, below, before, behind, beside, between.
Options/ideas- write your words in the snow, create a word search at print it out and find all of your words, write a story using your words, type your words on the computer making them different sizes, fonts and colors.

Check out other at home learning options below! If you would like, email pictures and or assignments to me @ I would love to see your creations!

1. Solve the word problems below:
A. There were 25 blue sleds and 48 red sleds at the store. How many more red sleds are there?

B. Mrs. Leisan made 4 rows of 3 snowmen. How many snowmen did she make in all? (Draw an array, show the multiplication and repeated addition number sentence.)

C. Reilly and Emily built a snowgirl that was 36 inches tall. Rosa and Jacy built a snowgirl that was 24 inches tall. How much taller is Reilly and Emily's snowgirl?

D. Jake built a snow fort using 45 snowballs. Aiden built a snow fort using 57 snowballs. How many snowballs did they use altogether?

2. Estimate how many snowballs it will take to measure the length of your front door. Now measure your door using snowballs as a non-standard measurement tool. Write your estimate and answer on paper. Option: Take a photo of your measurement. For fun, estimate and measure other objects.

3. Build a snowman and measure how tall it is. (Writing extension: Write a paragraph using transition words explaining how you built your snowman. Draw and label a diagram of your snowman)

4. Create a store at home using various items. Practice counting out coins to "pay" for each item, or create a collage using old magazines or draw pictures of different items. Select a price for each item and show the coins you could use to purchase each.

1. Listen to the online book Snow Day at the site below.
Make a text to text or text to self connection. Write the following on your paper. This book made me think of____because____.

Watch the video to learn about snow. Next, create your own song to teach others about snow. You can also design your own musical instrument (using supplies at home). If possible, videotape your performance.

3. Write a paragraph telling what you did on your snow day.

4. Make Snow Ice Cream. Write a paragraph explaining how you made it using transition words. Remember to include the ingredients in your writing! Parents- See recipe below.

Parent directions:
Put on your warm clothes and take the kids outside to collect 4 - 5 cups of fresh, clean snow. Don't pack the snow, just scoop it up. Bring it in the house and set it in the freezer while you prepare the other ingredients.
Mix together the milk, vanilla, and the sugar. Stir this mixture until the sugar is dissolved. Slowly add the snow to your mixture, stirring constantly, until it is as thick as ice cream. Now it is ready to east and enjoy.
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/2 cups sugar
  • CLEAN Snow

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