Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Service Learning

Thank you so much to GCSS Board Member Sammy Smith for organizing a visit from the Truelove family and their dairy cow "Rosie." This special visit was planned after hearing about our second graders raising money to purchase a dairy cow from World Vision to help a family in need this holiday season. To say that the children were excited is an understatement. After the teachers took turns milking the cow, the students were highly grossed out when they realized that the milk they drink everyday comes from cows just like Rosie. HILARIOUS! In addition to such a wonderful experience for the children, we were presented with a check to ensure that we would reach our goal. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this worth while cause. I loved seeing the children's giving hearts and concern for others through this service learning project.  
Meet Rosie! She certainly spread a lot of holiday cheer!

The kids meeting Rosie. Thank you Trueloves for providing this great experience!

The kids LOVED seeing me milk the cow.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Mark your calendar for Centennial's 2nd grade performance of
Twinkle and Shine!
Where? CAA Gym
When? Wednesday, December 17th
Time? 8:00am

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Unit 4 Spelling Words

Week of December 8th:
knew, know, knee, kneel, climb, thumb, comb, wrong, wreck, wrap, write, right, knife, wrist, gnaw

Week of January 5th:
teach, taught, catch, caught, bring, brought, think, thought, buy, bought, straight, listen, light, high, hustle

Week of January 12th:
feather, weather, meant, breath, already, instead, healthy, heavy, breakfast, break, steak, great, cold, kind, thread

Week of January 19th:
tough, rough, laugh, elephant, telephone, alphabet, photograph, sure, picture, adventure, nature, television, solution, attention, information

Week of January 26th:
Study spelling words from the previous 4 weeks for the unit test this week. Ten random words will be chosen.

So much to be THANKFUL for!

I am blessed to spend each day with this sweet group of kids. I am in awe of how much they learn and grow over the course of one school year. I have included a few photos from our Thanksgiving readers theater performance and our Charlie Brown Feast! I think the buttered toast was by far the favorite! To quote what one of the children said to my mom (who was in charge of toasting and buttering,) "You are the best cook Mrs. Johnson!" It's the simple things like butter and toast and my sweet crew of 21 that bring such joy to my heart.❤️